Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another Sneak Peak

Sorry it's been quiet around here the past few days! This past weekend I was really involved planning and helping with my high school reunion, so I had to take a small hiatus from painting, fauxtiquing, and blogging. I'm rested up and ready to go again, though. Here are a few more sneak peaks of what will be available THIS WEEKEND. Ah! Only four more days until fauxtique time!
Vintage Mint Sewing Table
Machine NOT included
Price will be around $75

Do you love this mirror or what??? I'm telling you folks! I need a bigger house for all the treasures I find! But then that would just be more to clean...

Vintage Mirror in Creamy White
Chunky Chalkboard

Vintage Trunks
$22 each

Oh man, I love these shutters. I think I'd have a pair of shutters in every room of my house if I had room. But I don't. Too bad. My favorite, of course, is the crystal knob. What a surprise, I'm sure.

Plantation Shutters with Frame(3 nearly identical sets available)
$85 each set
Mustard Yellow Chalkboard
This piece of furniture is SOLID! I lug around kids and furniture all day and am able to move pretty much anything on my own. This one, though, certainly gave me a run for my money! It doesn't look it, but it's a sturdy, solid beast to carry. Good thing it's so dang cute!

Solid Wood Pier One Night Stand
(Original MSRP: $215)

Here's a little before and during for you. Mr. Five to Nine and I grabbed our new paint sprayer (Remind me again why I waited two years to buy one of these??? It is life changing, and I'm not just being melodramatic!) to knock out a few benches, and lucky for us we had leftover paint. So, this little night stand got a quick makeover. It's still drying and waiting to be distressed. I'm probably going to keep the original hardware on it. You can see it if you look closely in the bottom right-hand corner. Price will be around $75. And of course it will be distressed. This one will be just very lightly distressed, though.
Remember this bench?
Here it is all sprayed and ready to be distressed! Not sure on the price of this one, yet. I'm thinking I might need to switch out the bench in my front room for this one. Don't worry. They will both be for sale at the fauxtique. Hopefully I will end up with one of them so I don't have a big blank spot in my front room. I hate blank spots in my house.
This doesn't look like much now, but I guarantee it will be an excellent magnetic chalkboard door. And of course it will have scrolls, crystal knobs, magnets, yadda, yadda, yadda... Price will be around $135.
Remember this bench? Mr. Five to Nine gave it a seat, a scroll, and a paint job, and it's starting to look quite chic. Of course it still needs to be distressed. Not sure on pricing for this one yet. I'll show a picture of it all done with a price probably tomorrow. Or maybe later today. We'll see how well my kids cooperate.

These frames aren't much to look at now, but I promise they will look pretty amazing soon. The pink one will be a magnet board and will have scrolls in the upper corners.
This oval one is a scrolly mirror. Price will be around $65.
And this black one will be a magnetic board complete with several magnets. Recently I realized I haven't ever done just straight magnet boards. I've done chalkboards and magnetic chalkboards but never just a magnet board. For the fauxtique I plan on having al least three. We will see how well (or not) they sell. If they sell well, I'll do more.

Whew! I have a lot of work to do. Keep checking back. I plan on posting every day from now until fauxtique time. It's going to be good, folks. Real good. Mark your calendars and bring your wallets. It will be this Saturday from 8-noon!

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