Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fauxtique Invitation

For those of you who have been Five to Nine readers for awhile, you remember from where the fauxtique originated. Those of you who are new, though, I'm sure are wondering what it's all about. Basically, I got sick of doing boutiques where I paid a big entrance fee and commission, hauled all my stuff to a different location, paid for and made Photoshop invites, etc., etc., etc. But I have a furniture addiction, and about twice a year my garage starts bursting with stuff. So, instead of doing a cute boutique where there are gorgeous Photoshop invites and the price tags cost as much for the items as the items themselves, I started a little thing I call a fauxtique. A fauxtique is like a boutique, but much more casual. Prices are cheaper, tags are not fancy, there are not amazing invites. But there are lots and lots of great furniture/benches/hutches/signs/chalkboards/home decor at totally affordable prices. So here's your official invite, folks.

The Backyard Boutique by Five to Nine Furnishings

cordially invites you to a semi-annual



28 April 2012

8 a.m.-Noon

Mesa, AZ 85201

Orange Blossom Shop will be here with all their frames and a bunch of vinyl signs. My good friend over Sweet Stax has been assembling and painting away. I hear she's probably going to have cookies for sale with her platters, too. We will have some crocheted baby shoes that are just darling from one of my dear friends, and there will be beverages and baked goods galore. And last but not least, Juniper's Loft has some incredible antiques that will be up for grabs as well as several adorable benches. Mark your calendars, bring your wallet, and get here on time! You're not going to want to miss out. And I just checked the weather forecast. The high for Saturday is a comfortable 87, so we won't be baking outside. Thank goodness.

(*Note: Five to Nine, Orange Blossom Shop, and Sweet Stax will all accept credit/debit in addition to cash. All other vendors will accept cash only.)

(**Note 2: Please don't come early! We hustle as much as possible to get everything out in time, and if we have early birds it makes it much harder.)


  1. Hi,
    I'm the lady who took pictures Friday morning. I want to send them to you, but I could not get the email address you gave me to work. Some of the pics turned out really nice. If you still want them, email me and I will send them again.

  2. Annette,

    Thanks for leaving a comment. Yes, I would love to see the pictures. I don't have your email address. Mine is fivetoninefurnishings@yahoo.com if you'd like to email them to me.

    Many thanks,

