Saturday, October 27, 2012

Next Up...

I thought I'd give you a heads up on some of the items you can expect to see in the next few weeks.  (Or months.  We'll see how cooperative baby #3 is with Five to Nine.)  I found these two beauties last weekend:

Aren't they fabulous??  The top one is a massive king headboard that is just delightful, and the bottom is an amazing mirror that is HUGE.  I mean we're talking over five feet tall.  I love them both and am frantically trying to find a place for them in my house.  I believe the king headboard is going to be made into a bench for my front room, and the mirror is going to go above my buffet.  Maybe.  I still need to do some more measuring and thinking.  At any rate, that's good news because the mirror and the bench that I already have now will be going up for sale soon.  Here's a sneak peak at what they look like:

They aren't for sale yet.  It stresses me out big time to have empty spaces in my house, and if they were to sell quickly (wishful thinking, I know) and then I had two huge holes, and then I had a baby!  Man.  That might send me over the top.  I know.  I'm weird.  At any rate, as soon as I can get the other mirror painted and hung that will go up for sale.  The bench is another story.  We all know Mr. Five to Nine's track record with making benches (remember the one that took a YEAR???), and since I have a mile-long list of honey dos (including hanging two chandeliers, which he HATES doing probably more than getting cavities filled), it's not looking promising to get the bench done any time soon.  But maybe.  Who knows.  Anyway, I'll keep you posted on the mirror.  I'm not sure on the price yet.


  1. If you ever come across another bunked please let me know! I am looking for one. pref a full on bottom and twin on top. Thx

  2. so when are you going to sell that buffet? :) love that you didn't paint's too pretty!

  3. :) It is beautiful! I don't think I will be able to part with it for awhile. I'd have to find something that I loved even more! Keep checking, though. It seems like everything goes up for sell eventually!
