Sunday, November 06, 2011

Hell Has Officially Frozen Over...

I swore I would never, ever do another boutique in my life. Ever. They're so much work, time, effort, money... The list is never-ending. But. I have a dilemma. My garage is bursting. Literally bursting. When I open the door, doors and windows and shutters start falling out all over the place. My back porch looks like Good Will on steroids. And my side yard and front porch... Let's just say I'm grateful none of my neighbors have called the city for code compliance. (Fingers crossed and knock on wood.) Basically, I am saturated to the brim and need to purge in the very worst way. So. Here's the deal. There will be no fancy Photoshop invites, no advertising other than right here, no going into a mad dash and neglecting my kids so I can get just one more chicken wire frame painted...

Instead, on November 19th from 8 until noon I'm going to pull out everything I have that I am ready to get rid of. That may or may not include several more benches (Maybe, MAYBE, even Seussical. I'm not sure on that one yet. I'll get back to you. I will say if it goes up for grabs it will be for a ridiculous amount because any less than that would not be worth giving it up.), my five piece black, distressed bedroom furniture set that has so many scrolls and curves that I drool every time I look at it, some red shutters with scrolls, of course plenty of chicken wire frames, and... oh, I don't know. How about everything that I have in the garage/back porch/side yard/front porch? Oh, and a darling black distressed kitchen table that's 55" x 55" and has four adorable chairs and a coordinating bench. Basically, it's time to gut.

But don't expect anything fancy, please. I'm not going to clear out my house or rent a booth or have a bunch of other vendors here or anything of that nature at all. Instead, I'm going to do it by myself without other vendors and just plop everything out on my front lawn with some price tags. And, the price tags might not even be Photoshopped or written on cute scrapbook paper. Gasp! I know. So, I guess it's not really a boutique. It's like a fauxtique. Anyway, mark your calendars. NOVEMBER 19th. 8 a.m.-noon. I'll give more updates as it gets closer, and perhaps a few sneak peaks... Over and out.

(*P.S.: Even though there won't be other vendors here, Juniper's Loft across the street is going to set up a bunch of her stuff, too. We will keep everything separate, but I guarantee between the two of us there will be plenty of great stuff.)


  1. I'm sure it will turn out wonderfully.

  2. I just discovered your site. Do you by any chance have a tv console?

  3. Lacey,

    Thanks for your interest. I don't have a console right now, but get them frequently so keep checking back. I'm sure you'll find something that will work for you eventually.
