Friday, February 25, 2011

Hutch Update

I've had several of you ask about the hutch I'm working on. Just as I suspected, my kids were not in the mood to cooperate, so I haven't gotten it done yet; we finished up RSV and breathing treatments, and then the next day one of them got the stomach flu. Needless to say, it's been one of those weeks. But!! My plan is to work on it all day today. I'm pretty sure I can finish it by tomorrow. While it may look like it's not a whole lot different from the before picture, this top piece is actually coming right along. I have it all torn down and washed out ready to prime and then paint.

The bottom piece looks more promising, despite the poor lighting. It's painted and dry, so I can get going on distressing and putting the knobs back on.

I'm going to get my baby to sleep and then crank out as much as I can as fast as I can do it. Check back tomorrow afternoon around 3 or 4. It's going to be good. (I think.)

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