Friday, March 23, 2012

Upcoming Projects: Sneak Peak

Lately I have been dragging my feet. It's not that I don't have any work to do; quite on the contrary. Take a look at my growing stack of furniture dispersed all throughout my yard.
Does that hutch look familiar??? It's identical to this one that I did a few months ago. It's the exact same size, same dimensions, same design. It even has the gold etching on the front like the other one did. I've thought about doing it black like the other one, but now I'm toying around with a creamy white. Price will be $650.

See that headboard? Be still my heart. It's going to make an excellent bench. I'm thinking creamy white on that one, too. I'm not sure on the price yet; I might actually keep that one. I'll keep you posted.
Ugh. I have quite a few frames and cupboard doors just waiting to be used for something amazing.
These bookcases will be backed with wainscoting, painted a creamy white, lightly distressed, and will have some scroll work on them. I'm not sure on the pricing of these yet.
And another of my new favorites. I have no plan for this yet other than it will be a bench.

So there. Now you've seen what a disaster my backyard is and how much work I have to do. And yet here I sit writing instead of painting. I'm having a hard time getting some mojo mustered. Maybe I just need to turn on "Eye of the Tiger," turn my kids loose in the backyard, roll up my sleeves, and choose one project at a time. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, don't forget about the fauxtique!! It's coming soon. It will be Saturday, APRIL 28th from 8 a.m.-noon. Everything you see up there will be painted and distressed to the nines and will be available for purchase, plus a whole lot more. You're not going to want to miss it. Orange Blossom Shop, Juniper's Loft, and I are all gearing up. I promise there will be something for everyone. Prices start as low as $2 or $3 and range into the hundreds for the bigger pieces. And there will be plenty of bigger pieces. I can guarantee at least four benches, one hutch, two bookcases, ten shutters, and several magnetic chalkboard doors. And that's just the tip of the iceburg. Save up those tax returns!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stephanie,

    Thanks for your interest! I'm actually set on doing it as a bench. Thanks anyway, though!
