Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Next Up...

I have several things planned for this week. The first is this little black bench with the scroll:
It will be painted black and moderately distressed. The price will be $165.
Next up is this entry/sofa table. It will have wainscoting in the middle, will be painted a creamy heirloom white, and will be lightly/moderately distressed. The price will be around $150.
I've also been throwing around the idea of painting this a mustard yellow. I'm decorating for a wedding in less than a month and the colors are yellow and gray, so I thought this might be a good vintage piece to add. But then what would I do with a mustard yellow dresser...? Cutes as it is, I have no room for it anywhere in my house except my boys' room. Unfortunately, it seems a tad bit too girly. Any takers on the dresser if it was painted yellow? Or maybe I'll just go with white. Or of course there's the ever-popular black. Send me an email (fivetoninefurnishings@yahoo.com) if you're interested in this painted a different color and we'll see what we can work out.

I'm not sure when these will be done by. I'm hoping for sometime this week. We will see how much my kids cooperate.


  1. I would totally take the dresser in mustard yellow!! I looked at it last night and thought to myself that I liked it but I didn't like the colors - the yellow would be perfect (or even the grey or a teal :D )!!

  2. Linsay,

    No, I haven't sold it yet. Would you like to come see it?

  3. How much would the dresser be in mustard yellow?
