Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blog Shout-out: Sweet Stax

Have a got a deal for you, all you local readers! One of my good friends has just started a darling new business venture call Sweet Stax. She takes ordinary objects, like glass dishes and candlesticks, and makes these adorable serving dishes. See for yourself:
How perfect are these for Valentine's Day??? These ones are just $7. Yep. As in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. In all honesty, you'd be hard-pressed to make these yourself for that cheap. And look at the adorable colors! Here are a few more of my favorites:
Black Elegant: $10
Two-toned Red and White Heart: $7!
Apple Red Platter: $10
And my favorite of all...
Ballerina Pink Pedestal: $8

Click as fast as you can over to her blog here or just email her straightaway at sweetstaxbylinseymax@yahoo.com. These things are flying off the shelves! And the best part is we live just a few blocks away from each other, so swing in, grab a chalkboard, and then head over and get your very own, one-of-a-kind platter. You won't be disappointed! And what a great (and very affordable, might I add) way to decorate for the holidays.

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