Monday, November 21, 2011

Fauxtique Update: A Recap

A big thanks to all who made it out this weekend for the fauxtique! It was a smashing success, thanks to all of you. And we lucked out and didn't have any rain. Hallelujah! For those of you who weren't able to make it, here's what it looked like:
I made six chalkboard doors and they all sold except this adorable teal one:
(Yes, it's still for sale. I dropped the price to $85.)
I still have plenty available, and will be posting it all within the next couple days. I have chicken wire frames, chalkboards, a mirror (creamy white distressed), an armoire (creamy white distressed and glazed), a few pairs of shutters, and several other items. Check back frequently and email if you're interested. And in other good news it looks like this fauxtique is going to be a semi-annual event! I'll probably do another one in March or April. I'll let you know well in advance so you can mark your calendars. Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming!!

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