Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday Steals

I have long since been on the prowl for a king headboard for my bedroom and low and behold, look what I found Saturday morning:The caning! (Fully intact, no less.) The finials! And the scrolls! I can't hardly stand it. And for $5 I just could not pass it up. You heard right. Five! And don't worry. I'll post before and after pictures. Let's see, if I'm doing the headboard, I might as well do a new dresser. And if I'm doing the dresser, why not the night stand? And if I'm doing the night stand, I can't very well leave the room color the same. And if I'm changing the room color I'm going to need new bedding and decor. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, anyone? Man, I love my job...

(*Note: This post is being linked to Saturday Steals from Archives of Our Lives.)


  1. I love it!!! You are so lucky! You always run into the greatest finds! I can't wait to come over and see the finished product:)

  2. Oooh, that's really cool! The caning is especially neat. Remember when we used to think it was so ugly? I feel bad about that now.

    Thanks for posting!

    p.s. the rocking bench is gorgeous. I gasped out loud when I saw the pictures of it. I wish I lived there so I could buy it from you.
