Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chalkboard Mirror

I recently came across a beautiful scrolly mirror at an estate sale. The only problem was that the middle portion of the mirror was broken and the rest of it was a grungy black and gold color. My initial intent was to get another piece of mirror cut for the middle portion. The more I started looking at it, though, the more I wanted to try a chalkboard in the center portion. A few coats of my favorite creamy white later and voila! A custom chalkboard mirror. I normally don't tell my buy prices on my blog for obvious reasons but since I don't plan on selling this one I'm tickled to say that I bought this for just $3! As in 1, 2, 3!!
Be sure to head on over to Archives of our Lives to catch all the other Saturday Steals and to wish the author a happy birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Let me just say that that item is GORGEOUS. You were right: I do like it.

    Estate sales are such wonderful places. They even sound fancy.

    Good job, sis.
