Monday, August 08, 2011


I have had this headboard and footboard sitting on my back porch for months. Literally. I've been trying to talk Mr. Five to Nine into building it forever, and then I got side tracked with my benches inside. My pile of projects has finally dwindled enough and Mr. Five to Nine has a free day (amazingly!). Lucky, lucky me! I cannot tell you how excited I am for this bench. It is going to be amazing!! See for yourself:

The huge knobs along with Mr. Five to Nine's amazing bench-building skills are going to make for one fantastic bench. He's almost done building it now. I'll post a during picture when he's done. Then my job begins. It's going to take a decent amount of caulking and wood filling before I can prime and paint. See that funky looking shell design at the top? It's going to be replaced with a scroll like the one over these shutters:
I'll keep you posted. It will definitely be done within a few days.

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