Thursday, July 28, 2011

Before & After: Another Bench

Here's a reminder of the before:
The during:
And now the after:

Remember how I said I was going to have I Heart Zelbie make me more pillows? Here they are:
And for those of you who noticed that the new bench is where the other bench used to be, here's an update on the other bench. No, it hasn't sold yet. I just moved it into another room. See for yourself:
It works perfectly with this picture of the Mormon temple in Mesa that I got from one of my favorite clients. (Thanks again, Jana!!!) So far, I'm not ready to part with either of these benches. I'll let you know if I change my mind...

(*Click here and here and here to read more about Mormons temples and what they're all about.)

1 comment:

  1. Love it all. Benches, paint, wall hangings, and plugs.

    Also thiose zelbie pillows are incredible. So so cute.
