Monday, December 13, 2010

Before and After: Hutch

Since I recently sold my other hutch, I've had a huge blank space staring at me and it's just about driven me crazy. So, when I stumbled across this little beauty on Craig's List a few weeks ago, I immediately fell in love.

It has such amazing bones and I've just been itching to get to it, but I've been so busy with clients' orders that I just haven't had time. With the holidays right around the corner, though, I've got to get my house in order, and that means filling the empty void in my kitchen. I'm happy to report that I finished the bottom piece today. Here's a better look at the before:

If I can ever get my kids in bed I'm going to get going on the prep work for the top so I can start painting tomorrow.

The only thing I'm not thrilled with is the gold design on the two glass portions. I'm not quite sure what to do with those. I'll think of something I hope. Check back in a few days for the after picture. If the top looks near as good as the bottom, it's going to be one amazing piece!

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