Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let's Make a Deal...

I am slightly OCD. Did you know? Not full-blown, but there are some definite tendencies there. So when my front room (a.k.a. my happy place) looks like this:
and this:I tend to freak out a little. Okay, a lot. This is all left over from the boutique. I'm feeling the need to purge. I binged (quite a bit) for the boutique, I've worked on, stared at, and grumbled over these pieces for the past four weeks, and now I want them out of my life. Gone. Vamoose. No more! So let's make a deal. The next three people who walk through my door and buy something get one of these items free:
If you buy a lot, you can have all three. Come on over and check out everything that's left. Send me an email and you're welcome to come take a look! I want it all gone stat!

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