Saturday, March 05, 2011

Before and During...

It's been a very long time, but do you remember this headboard and footboard set? I posted about it quite awhile ago here.

Well, I finally talked Mr. Five to Nine into making it into a bench. He dragged his feet because he thought it wasn't going to look good as a bench; he was worried all the curves would make it line up awkwardly. I kept asking (a.k.a. nagging) and finally he gave in. I'm so glad he did. Look how it turned out as a bench:

Pretty cool, huh? It kind of reminds me of a throne, for some reason. I can't wait to get working on this one. I'm going to try to get it all primed and painted today and Monday, and then distressed Tuesday. The plan is a flat black paint with a light distressing. Check back in a few days to see the after.


  1. I love your work! It's beautiful! If I have a specific piece I am looking for, can I put in a special order? Love what you do!

    ~Jess @

  2. Jess,

    Thanks so much for your interest in my work! I am not taking custom orders anymore, but you can certainly tell me what you are looking for and I can keep an eye out for it in all my furniture travels. Email me at Thanks again for visiting!

  3. I was wondering if you could help me out, I am simply in love with the huge bulletin board you have above the entry table in your picture. I was going to try and recreate it in a sense but i have never done something like that. What did you use for the thick frame and is it material around a corkboard or something of the sort?? If you don't mind helping me out that would be awesome. Thanks

  4. Nicole,

    Thanks so much for your kind comments about my work! The thick frame was handcrafted by my husband. The corkboard portion is covered with material I got at Hobby Lobby. (The still carry it; I just checked a week ago. Make sure you take you 40% off coupon when you go!) I watched this tutorial from Martha Stewart, read the instructions, and just expanded on it: Good luck!

  5. Thank you so much you were such a big help.
