Sunday, October 03, 2010

Before and After: Vintage Baby Cradle

As promised, here she is:

(Yes, that's our trampoline. And yes, that's where I do most of my painting. Who wants a boring, plain, old trampoline? The paint gives it character, I say... ;) ) I bought this charming vintage baby cradle at a nearby antique store months ago. My motivation has been lacking, though, until recently, so it's been patiently waiting in the attic.

As you can tell in the above picture, after wiping it down, I sprayed it with a thin layer of black paint. Then, I broke out my trusty Heirloom White from Home Depot (Are you noticing a trend in my most recent paint color obsession?) and went to town. After letting it dry for a day, I got out my hand sander and went to town. Here's the end result:

This is just the kind of piece I love to work on. I just can't get enough of the distressed look. Next up? A chunky, rustic hutch...


  1. Cute! I myself (as you know) am becoming less and less a fan of the distressed look (though I do still love how you did your table), but it looks great all the same!

  2. That's really cute! I have used an antique cradle for all my kids, looks just like this!
